Brandon Mathew

by | May 26, 2024

Published by The Supreme Team on May 26, 2024

#Brandon Mathew #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Brandon Mathew

Who are you?

I describe myself as a young man shaped by a childhood of tough times and poverty. Despite this challenging upbringing, I've never let circumstances define me. I try to maintain a positive outlook on life. I embrace my upbringing in my music, with lyrics about struggle, hope, and redemption, reflecting my personal journey. I was raised by a single mother, no man in my life growing up so I've witnessed the struggles of single parenting. I make my songs to inspire others facing similar hardships.

Where are you from?

I'm from Nashville, Tennessee. It's a vibrant epicenter of the music industry, know for its deep roots in country music but also flourishing with diverse genres such as rock, pop, and blues. Then you have iconic venues like the Grand Ole Opry and the honky-tonks of Broadway, where aspiring artists and seasoned musicians perform nightly.

How can we follow you?

Fans can find all my socials on my linktree

Song Title: Southern Belle

Listen to Brandon Mathew:
